Friday, 21 November 2008

Prepare yourselves for an emotion-filled poem...

Ahoy there Cushioners!
I, like many others, decided to take a stab at being a poet for the day, pretty much reminding me how I am not aspiring to be the next Dylan Thomas. However, I have somewhat succeeded in rhyming, moreso not, though.

"The sociological theory that the loss of the support of objectively established religion, the dissolution of the last remnants of pre-capitalism, together with technological and social differentiation or specialisation, have led to cultural chaos is disproved every day; for culture now impresses the same stamp on everything."

My beautiful interpretation:

"The idea that religion is declining,
Capitalism is dominating,
Society is developing,
Have all led to cultural chaos,
Is proved untrue.
As we all live in a world with the same cultural values."

- Carys.

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