Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Our First Meeting...

It's official 'The Cushion Club' is up and running...
Today saw our first meeting (of hopefully many) in Solus in the Student Union. Due to a serious lack of free tables the group opted for the standing option as we joined in general chit-chat and discussed our possible ideas for a reasearch topic. Our ideas mainly focused around all things Cushion themed, but realising the overall lack of these subjects we decided to think outside the box a little and return at the same time next week with our, what i'm sure will be brilliant, ideas.

We were able to gather photographic evidence of the 'event' including pictures of those all important cushions! (Genuine lack of might i add guys... next week i expect everyone to bring one!)


Lovin' the Union

Very Nice Cushion Modelling

Although not everyone in our group attended a big thanks to Leanne, Sue-Anne, Carys, Harriet, Amanda, Jenna and last but not least Kendra, who all showed up to show their support.


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